Consultants Errors and Omissions Insurance

Offering any sort of consulting services today puts you as a professional at risk of financial liability. A simple mistake or error on a part of a consultant while providing services can potentially lead to a devastating litigation.  In order to preserve and sustain a professional career and personal assets, one must be adequately insured by an Errors and Omissions or Professional Liability Insurance Policy.


Consultants in the field of management, environmental, healthcare, public relations, computer, engineers, architects, recruiters, telecommunications, and other professionals all need Errors and Omissions Insurance (E & O) to shield themselves from financial liability.



consultants we insure



Common types of It Professionals we insure:

  • Strategy Consultant.
  • Management Consultant.
  • Operations Consultant.
  • Financial Advisory Consultant.
  • Human Resource Consultant.
  • IT Consultant.

Professional Liability insurance also known as Errors and Omissions insurance (E&O) and Malpractice Insurance insures you and your  business, subject to the policy, from financial liabilities that arise as a result of errors and failures that occur while providing services expected and related to your profession. Having and E & O Insurance policy shows your clients professionalism and provides a sense of security.

Premiums are based on specialization, claims history, experience in the industry and the amount of business produced.


Do not mistake General Liability with Errors and Omissions insurance! Your General Liability insurance only provides coverage for damages and bodily injury. Your Errors and Omissions Insurance provides coverage for Professional Liability Issues. They are different policies and insure different criteria.


To discuss your Consultant Insurance needs, Contact us Toll Free – 1-888-480-7677.





To request a quote, please refer to the link below!








Other professions we provide E&O insurance to:

Alternative Energy
Architects & Engineers
Architectural/Engineering technicians and technologists
Building Designers
Business Consultant
Civil engineers
Collection Agencies
Contractors for all specializations
Commercial General Liability Insurance
Directors and Officers
Employment Agencies/Recruiters
Environmental Engineers
Energy Audits & Assessments
Event Organizer/Planner
Foreign Legal Consultants
Holistic Professional
Home Inspectors
Information Technology
Immigration Consultants
Interior Designers
IT Contractor
IT Specialist/Technician/Programmer
Independent Contractor
Product Designers
Professionals Liability
Professional Organizer
Lawyer’s Excess Professional Liability
Management Consultants
Medical Professionals (Malpractice Insurance)
Medical Students (Malpractice Insurance)
Multimedia designers
Mortgage Brokers
New Media
Occupational Health and Safety Consultants
Quality Control Consultants
Placement Agencies
Process Servers
Private Investigators
Project Managers
Property Managers
Publishers and Printers
Recruitment and Employment Agency
Recruitment Consultants
Safety Engineers
Service Organizations
Solar & Wind Farm Engineers & Consultants
Structural Engineers
Sub Contractor
Therapist Professionals
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Fitness Trainers
Travel Agencies
Travel Agents, Tour Operators
Excess & Umbrella Liability
Web-Site Designers
Workplace Engineers & Consultants